URI VG 2024-25 DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 20
URI is a public, learner-centered, research university — a community joined in a
common quest for knowledge. Our students, faculty, sta昀昀, and alumni are united in
one common purpose: to learn and lead together. Embracing Rhode Island’s heritage
of independent thought, these are our core values.
With the help of URI’s Launch Lab, baseball pitcher Quincy Clark ‘23, started
Athletes O昀昀 The Field to showcase the creativity and entrepreneurial endeavors
of URI student-athletes. Clark, a native of South Orange, New Jersey, had already
launched a now 昀氀ourishing resale clothing business, Campus Thrifts.
This new project allowed him to expand his skills by collaborating with other
creative athletes. Together, they used Launch Lab and MakerspaceURI resources
to screen print clothes and market original designs. Housed in the Carothers
Library and Learning Commons, these URI resources o昀昀er support for collegelevel entrepreneurship ideas for students in all majors.
Health Sciences major and Rhode Island native Chantel Rosario De Los Santos
‘24 joined the Army National Guard shortly after high school, and by 2020, she
was deployed full-time while attending her 昀椀rst year of college at URI. After
successfully navigating this 18-month challenge, she dove into ROTC and her
studies. She chose an Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s program in Kinesiology
and minored in military science and leadership. Rosario De Los Santos found
inspiration and mentorship through internships and research opportunities
within her major, work study with URI’s Center for Military and Veteran Education
(MAVE), and membership in URI’s Student Veterans Organization (SVO). She also
received the 2023 URI Student Veteran Leadership Award.
Psychology student Alexa Raudales won URI’s 2023 Graduate Student Research
and Scholarship Excellence Award for distinguishing herself academically,
publishing and presenting widely, and receiving a prestigious $100,000 award
from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Her strong commitment to justice,
equity, diversity, and inclusivity can be seen in her service within the Department of
Psychology on their Inclusion and Diversity Committee; Multicultural Consultation
Team; and as Chair of Students of Color, a student-run group within the department
that provides resources and support for graduate students of color. She also works
with the Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) program to mentor
underrepresented students earning degrees in biomedical research.
Raudales accomplished all this while also maintaining a perfect (4.0) GPA.
Owen Fleischer ‘25, double major in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science and
Marine Biology, was awarded the Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship from the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. From Durham, New Hampshire,
Fleischer says that growing up in an outdoors-oriented family inspired his current
pursuits, which include researching how predators interact with and shape their
habitats. He has investigated sand tiger sharks in Delaware Bay and southern
stingrays in the Cayman Islands. Explore our 153 acre Narragansett Bay Campus,
home of the Coastal Institute and Graduate School of Oceanography.