URI VG 2024-25 DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 6
A Day in
the Life
Want to know what it’s really like
to be a URI student? Have a look
at a student timeline for a typical day
in the life of a Rhody Ram.
7:50 a.m. Drive to school from our o昀昀-campus house in Galilee.
Sometimes I stop at the Co昀昀ee Connection.
8:30 a.m. Work at the Campus ID and Dining O昀케ce.
11 a.m. Head to my 昀椀rst class, COM306 - Audio Media, where we edit audio on professional
software and create our own layered soundscapes.
12:15 p.m. Go to the Student Entertainment Committee (SEC) o昀케ce in Memorial Union to work
my required hours, see friends, and eat my packed lunch. I’m currently President of the SEC.
2 p.m. Teaching Assistant for my favorite professor who teaches FLM 316 16mm Filmmaking, where students shoot everything on 昀椀lm stock and we send it out
to get processed, then edit it digitally.
4:30 p.m. Return to the Union to do homework with friends or work more o昀케ce hours.
6 p.m. Attend The Good Five Cent Cigar (student newspaper) pitch meeting.
I’m the Newscast Editor. Every Monday we pitch stories for the week, and every Wednesday
we stay late for our production meeting to make sure the paper is all set for its Thursday release.
8 p.m. Host my weekly radio show Hey Alexa for our school station, WRIU.
It’s part music, part talk show.
9 p.m. Go to the library to get some homework done.
11 p.m. Drive home and head to bed.
8 a.m. Wake up, get ready, and grab breakfast at the Brookside Bistro
(usually a bagel and strawberry acai refresher) before walking to my 昀椀rst class.
9:30 a.m. Attend PSY 254 - Behavior Problems and Personality Disorders.
10:45 a.m. Head to the nursing building (White Hall) to study and get work done
in the common lounge with friends.
12 p.m. Attend NUR 203 - Comprehensive Health Assessment Lab, where we
work with partners on improving our clinical skills.
3 p.m. Grab a late lunch at Ram’s Den with friends.
4 p.m. Attend CMB 201 - Introductory Medical Microbiology lecture.
4:45 p.m. Head back to my room in Brookside Hall to relax for a little, then cook dinner
to bring to my overnight Emergency Medical Services (EMS) shift.
7 p.m. Arrive at EMS and work from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. the next day. We respond to calls
on campus and in the town of South Kingstown for mutual aid throughout the year, 24/7!
8 p.m. Have family dinner with the overnight team and then hang out and watch a
movie or show until we go to sleep.